Friday, January 16, 2009


It was about -14 degrees when I left home this morning.

My kids were very thrilled there was no school today. So they're in for a lonnnnng weekend!

I would think the van would warm up inside after driving for oh, say, ehhhh....15 minutes? No, it finally warmed up when I arrived at work...45 minutes later!


I have a weather bug on my desktop here at work, set for my home's temps. I have caution my gang at home NOT TO GO ANYWHERE unless they layer up and cover every single exposed skin. I do not want to take chances!

My daughter wanted to go over her friend's I laid down the rules---LAYER UP! Oh yeah, there's a scarf on your bed PLUS wear socks! (she likes to go "barefoot" in her boots).


And I am stuck wearing my boots today. I realized I pulled on different white socks. So it would be embarrassing to wear them with my tennis shoes. Anybody would notice the difference in those. *blushing*

My hair has a mind of its own. I did not shower last night as it was too cold (but don't worry, I'm clean as I took a long hot bath yesterday!)...and didn't take one this morning. So I tried "gelling" my hair down. Pffft. It looks like I didn't brush my hair at all! Like, I just got up from bed, dragged clothes on (and yeah, mismatched white socks) and just took off.

And wearing a hoodie to keep myself warm on way to work didn't help my hair either.

Another one of those days where things don't go right. But it's Friday! Monday should be better, right? Right, guys?

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