Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What not to wear...

I had to laugh as it's so amazing how much time has changed over the years.

Walking to the student center, I bumped into a student that was wearing skinny jeans. Now when I stepped back to look at him, he had a lot of hair...like a lion's mane, some t-shirt with a band on it (didn't catch that...), and this very skinny, skin-type jeans. I thought, he needs more room in those pants!

As I sat down and ate my lunch, I sort of observed those around me. Many of us are bundled up in sweaters and comfortable pants. I've seen students with piercings in places I would never dream of doing to myself....a girl had a ring through her nose like a cow with a ring in its nose...ouch!


I had to laugh because it brought me to think about Britian's What Not To Wear's Trinny and Susannah how people should dress. They are very bold and very...brave. They have helped many people make great transformations with themselves!

Then the show idea carried over to USA. We have our own What Not to Wear here in USA. I have learned many tips from them...but some I would never do. Like, spend 100 dollars on ONE blouse or something like that.

However, sometimes I see myself in one of their victims and I'd try to use their suggestions...and eh...I do just fine.

I do not wear dresses...but will do that on special occasions and I do like sundresses...for summer. I do not like wearing socks but I will during the winter. Gotta keep my toes warm.
I do not like long sleeves...I prefer t-shirts or a nice, flattering blouse. But nothing to draw attention to myself.

My hair---well, I'm in the process of growing it out again. I decided after nearly a year of being short-haired, it is just not me. I'm too cold w/o all that hair. I miss it. I want it back! My neck feels very exposed ... very naked. Brr.

I am not a vain person...so that is a good thing. I am overweight, yes, but I always see myself as a thin girl inside this body...and it really does get me through my days. I am very careful with what I eat or drink...I should cut down on my daily Coca-Cola but...I'd be really crabby if I go too long w/o it.

I have healthy kids, a husband who is not a winter person but his love for me is so great, he made the sacrifice to be up north with me.

What more could I ask for?

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