Saturday, January 24, 2009

catching up...

Today seems to be a day of catching up.

Before my daughter and I were about to head out for some time together and grocery shopping...a good friend of mine caught me through my husband's AIM. So I sat there and chatted. It was good to catch up with her, and ended the conversation by reminding her that I have never stopped caring for her, I never stopped loving her and that I'm always here for her. We exchanged information so we can keep in touch. I even gave her my blog link so she can keep tabs on me as well! *Hi there, girl!*

Secondly, caught up on having some time with my daughter. She had seen "Yes Man" last night with her friends so she said it was good. She was kind of quiet though. Then shared that she was happy the exams were over. She is little concerned about her math, though. It's the first thing in the morning so..."coffee anyone?".

Thirdly, caught up on grocery shopping. Well, I did not feel like going into Adrian or Ann Arbor for Meijers or anything. I just went to Buschs (can you say, ouch?) where they had few sales but it still hurts my wallet. Just picked up something that we can use for dinner tonight and tomorrow. I'll worry about the rest of the week...later. Oh yeah, cat food was a must.

(We're having chinese for dinner tonight....La Choy's stuff...)

Fourthly, came home and I crawled back in bed. Took a nap but I guess it went on too long because well, hubs is going to a revival tonight and well, he'll have to fend for himself to eat before going. I got dinner going and won't be ready for 1/2 hour. Sorry honey!

So I'm kind of caught up on my nap.

Now, more things I have to catch up on: laundry!

Yeah. At least I multi-tasked before my naptime. While visiting the "reading room" I decided after I was done "reading", I'd scrub the tub out. So now my tub is cleaner and whiter than snow.
For now.

The weather has wreaked havoc on my brains so I have had a headache on/off today.


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