Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I think it's kind of hard to come up with titles for my postings. Sometimes I might come up with one and find out some other blogger has the same one...and I don't like feeling they might come after me "stealing their titles".

One thing got me thinking about my weekend. I led the MIBCD choir into "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord". While I did pretty good, I was ok with using a portable cd player, and it was at a comfortable, LOUD level...I was able to follow along. When we put the cd in the sound system, and a dear MIBCD member controlled the sound, it was so loud and very different from the cd player. I did lose my place at one point. I had to look over and point down, turn it down a bit. Then I was able to hear the words more clearly. I did mess up once...but the majority were deaf, so they couldn't hear the words...and we just kept going...and I know in October, it will be much more better. I will request practice time and get familiar with the church's sound system and set it at a level where I can "hear" it. I was proud of my MIBCD Choir. First time I had to lead a choir, EVER!

One wonderful woman who goes to Memorial Baptist Church in Sterling Heights did two songs on Sunday. The invitational was just so beautiful, and since those who are part of the Deaf Cafe team went up to the altar for prayer, I was not able to watch this woman do her song. I could hear the music and it was just so beautiful. I can't wait to watch the dvd when someone makes copies of the weekend's program. Once I get that, I will try to post it (after seeking permission from this wonderful person who signed it).

I got my Ray Boltz cd back from Bambi. I forgot it last year. I was so thrilled it was still there...and while I worked with the manager there, he shared that every time they worked in the sanctuary, they'd play that cd. I'm glad they were able to make use of that, but I'll be taking it home with me! It was so good to hear the cd again.

Sorry I am lacking on titles...maybe my mind just needs a break from too much creativity?

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