Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What a day kind of Wednesday...

It's been interesting couple days for me.

I came home yesterday from work, and while being locked out of the house, waiting for someone to answer the door, I was going through the mail.

Something I've not seen in a couple years. Maybe 3 years. Maybe longer than that.

A child support check.


Now, I know not many people know a lot about me. I may have at one point shared my life story sometime during my blogging history. But to briefly summarize...I was with the same guy for years, and has given me 3 beautiful children. Even though we never married, we lived like married couple. When we first lost our first child to cancer, we tried to make it work. After my son was born, we drifted far apart that we were more like friends than as a couple. With our constant love/hate relationship, and many breakups/ was countless. The final break up was not long after my son was born. And neither one of us have looked back since.

I'm not making excuses or anything, so please don't misunderstand me. I am quite comfortable. Sure times are tough but I never really worried about being able to provide for my children. I give them what I can. When I can. My ex is on disability. He is completely UNABLE to work due to serious health problems. His health has declined so much, I just know for a fact he would not be able to work again. So when he had his own struggles with the Friend of the Court, SSA, getting his income checks or not getting was at the point, it's not very dependable.

I do have to admire Friend of the Court for making sure that all children are being provided for in cases like this. Divorce, single parenthood, etc. can be rough. But it also depends on how the custodial parent can handle things. I've been a single mom for years...and did have my moments, but I never let anything happen to my children.

So when I received the check, I had a big smile, and told Ashley, "Hey...we've been blessed!"

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