Well, heck with it all!
Yesterday, I decided to make "the commitment" and visited a Sprint store that was only a block away from home.
Went inside, hands on my hips, and declared: I need a cell phone!
Described that I need something I can actually hear on it, but with text messaging and/or email capabilities. I explained my need for such things.
My husband is deaf. So there's no way he can speak on the phone. Email is the only way to do it.
(hey, they should invent webcam on these cell phones....think they did already?)
So after looking around and finding a great deal and God telling me, "that's the one you need", I proceeded to purchase one.

So, last night, my daughter, being a cell-phone wiz, programmed everything and it actually works. I still need to study the manual on the how to's for everything .
And how to attach this cute little angel charm my dear friend gave me.
Now, no more freaking out, or gas stations telling me "no you can't use their phone to call work you'll be late anymore..." or trying to find a pay phone that we ALL know are already extinct!
The great thing about it is it is very compatible for my hearing aid so I'm very pleased.
Now, only if car shopping was easy like this....
1 comment:
Kirstan, I have a nylon pocket for my cell phone, and I can feel it vibrate better. This pocket is a nylon billfold/wallet that folds over my waistband, creating a pocket for my cell phone. The half of the wallet that is behind the waistband picks up the vibrations when my phone rings. I have a patent pending, and a new website SecurePocket.com. Several deaf people have bought one, and everyone gets a strong vibration.
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