Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rome wasn't built in a day...

My friend, Brenda, is very, very blessed to have a husband that works for an airline company. When you work for an airline company, it comes with many lovely perks. Such as ... flying anywhere free (or for a very small price...).

Brenda and her husband are celebrating their 26th anniversary ... tomorrow! (Congratulations, you two!). They celebrated their 25th last year by having a huge BBQ party for family and friends.

It will be exciting to hear about their adventure. They do fly standby, so they didn't leave USA until about 9:30 pm or so. With it being a 9 hour flight, they'd arrive in Rome about 1:30 pm Rome's time. Keep in mind, Rome is 6 hours ahead of us. So they fly into the future. They will "turn the clock back" as they come home. Maybe they can fix any mistakes or problems??? A prediction of what will happen in 6 hours' time???

I'm very happy for them. I pray they will be able to check out some biblical locations and learn new things. It'll be very exciting.

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