Friday, October 16, 2009

It's Friday and...

the kids have disappeared.

Okay, that'sfinewithme.

I suppose I can just go ahead and soak in the tub, read a book, and just enjoy the start of the weekend.

My co-workers and I have been struggling with daily headaches and other ailments lately. Our building is 10 years old and starting to show its age. There is a big room next door to our department that was flooded a year ago (or so) from heavy rains we had, and well, we still have problems. That room (really, an auditorium) has been closed off indefinitely until they can find the problem. Whatever is in there or if it's from the vents from our replaced cooler/chiller whatever ...we don't know.

I usually feel great when I arrive at work. Believe me, I do like my job! Usually around after lunch, my head starts to hurt and I sometimes want to crawl somewhere into a corner and just cry. The "I don't feel so good, mommy" kind of moment.

Anyhoo...well, my kids have disappeared and my husband seems to be kinda feeling better, I think. Must be all the hot tea he's been drinking.

If I don't blog again this weekend, I wish you all a happy (and HEALTHY!!!) weekend.


Anonymous said...

Kirstan, know that you are prayed for, and that sometimes it hurts when God has to chip away at us. Our sins are often like the flaws in a diamond and God cuts those flaws out much like a jeweler cuts out flaws and adds facets to the diamond. The end result is a beautiful gem that is made of the hardest mineral on Earth, glows with an inner beauty and is of value that can not be denied.
What you are going through can be used to make you better as you submit to the shaping God can do in your life. Follow what the Bible says about restoring relationships, accept forgiveness from God and those you have hurt and then learn to forgive yourself without losing the lesson you learned along the way.

Kirstan said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You're welcome. Not my wisdom - HIS.

Kirstan said...

I know, and I truly do appreciate Him using people like you to remind me, or just say what I need to hear and remember.