Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 4 and 5

Well, got home yesterday and didn't do anything. I had a sick husband and 3 rowdy boys (well behaved, but I call 'em rowdy due to their energetic mood), so for dinner to feed the boys, what was left of my fish sticks and tater tots. 

Except the 3rd boy hates fish sticks. He was happy to eat just tater tots.

Mopped the kitchen corner so that I can start more of my spring should be interesting how it turns out.

So my goal for today is to finish up some cleaning, prepare one dresser (the very long bedroom one) for moving to a friend's house...I sold her my bedroom furniture over a year ago, and the dresser was only thing not yet moved due to no truck (and no van!). But we figured if we tuck the dresser into the back of Betty (car), we should be able to carefully haul it to her apt.  Yeah.

First I gotta get stuff out of the trunk of Betty. Oh, joy, more work.

Alright, gotta get going. Will give an update if I ever get around to it.

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