I promised you all I'd show you my Easter Eggs...
Quite very simple....
Use colorful 100% silk and cut in pieces that you can wrap up over the raw eggs. Use twisty ties (or if you have rubber bands, that'd be fine too. Twisty ties work best).
Make sure the silk right side is wrapped against the eggs.
After you've tied it, then cut up a white cotton (I used my husband's old white t-shirt...sorry honey!) and then wrapped it OVER the silk. Twisty tie it too.
Put all the eggs in a pot of cold water and add 1 cup of vinegar.
Boil for 1/2 hour.
After done, take them out, I like to run it under cold water as not to burn my fingers.
Unwrap them and see what surprises your silk gives your eggs.
TIP: I go to a Goodwill store or some of those second hand stores and usually 100% silk ties work best. They come in different patterns. Bold colors work best. Pastel might come out weak, but still work.
Have fun.
My picture above, I made with my sister---and she did blow the yolks out beforehand. Wanted the eggs to last longer and not have smelly rotten eggs after a week or two. We followed the directions above, but we had to "weigh" them down by placing a saucepan gently on top. Do 15 minutes on one side, then turn them over for another 15 minutes. It worked!
Ta-da. Perhaps next year you can try this.
Okay, off to work I go. Pray for me for a better day and for blessings regarding my van situation.
Those eggs are AMAZING. They look like something you'd see in a fancy store--not something you can make at home!
Aww thanks! It's really easy to do. It becoems more fun as every year I go to Goodwill or some sort like that and find out what tacky silk ties they have out there. LOL.
Guess you're catching up on my life now, huh?
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