Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009....3:17 pm

I'm happily napping away....I had been sleeping for about an hour.

I feel this poking on my shoulder....*poke....poke*

I opened one eye, see my daughter on the phone...then my one eye looks over at the clock...

I growl a bit....

I really need one more hour of sleep and I've put in my minimum + maximum time for napping. It's 2 hours...always. Not a minute less, not a minute more. 2 hours. Exact.

My one eye looks at my daughter, I raise an eyebrow...."what?"

"Can me and BFF in the WWW go over to _____'s house to go swimming....please?"

*growling....* I close my eye that was opened....let out a big sigh....

"I'll take you over...but you gotta find a way back...can your friend's parents bring you back?"


"Okay, go change not make me regret doing this...."

She happily skips off to change ... and of course what happens....she and her BFF in the WWW is taking their sweet time.

I'm growling a bit louder...."What you did, my dear daughter, is ILLEGAL! You...woke...up...your...mother!"

They hurriedly came out and off to her friend's house we went. I looked at my daughter..."Have you forgotten "Mother's Laws"?

Well, I'm very forgiving...but the rule is if they know I'm very tired and I'm down for my dose of 2 hours plus nap, they are not to wake me up unless there is an emergency such or someone dying.

But really, I rather the girls go OUTSIDE and have fun instead of sitting at the computers allllll day long


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