Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Hi y'all. Happy Fourth!

Well, yes, it's early in the morning for me...I do normally sleep in on Saturdays. But knowing I have to bake cookies and do laundry, my job is never, ever done.

I did warn my company that...yes the house is picked up....but I am not in the mood to do the "clean-freak-out cleaning deal" long as there's toilet paper on the dispenser thing by the toilet, and the kitchen counters are cleared, and there's places to sit in the living room, it's good enough.

*oh honey, let's stuff some of that stuff in the bedroom and close the door?*

I got a load in the wash.

I got a batch of chocolate chip cookies in the oven.

I should be shucking the corn right now but....I'll wait.

When our friends come this afternoon, we'll probably drive out to the lake and just hang out. The kids can jump in the lake, and we'll grill our food and just hang out. I might jump in the lake too.

Oh what's the menu?

Teriyaki Beef Strips.'s so simple and I have to thank my dad for that. See, just cut up some beef strips (or your deli can provide you with couple pounds of beef cut up for stir-fry)....and grab a bottle of Teriyaki Sauce. Now, in the past, I've always bought it from the oriental section at the grocery store. When I started NOT finding them anymore, I would find those Lawry's sauces and they do have Teriyaki. While it is good, it can be expensive. So...just my luck yesterday, across from all the bbq sauces and condiments, was the oriental section! And I found my sauce! YES!

Okay, back on track. Put your meat in a bowl or container or...ziplock bag, and pour the whole bottle of teriyaki sauce in it. Try to coat every piece of the beef.

I let it marinate over night.

So, now when it's ready or when your stomach starts growling/barkin' for food, then fire up the grill. Gas or charcoal (in my case, it'll be charcoal today) grill....just put 'em all on and cook until desired effect. I like mine well done. They're easy to eat with fingers. They are almost like beef jerky but not as hard as beef jerky.

Serve with a number of things such as salads, baked potatoes, corn on cob, etc., etc. Anything.


What are you guys doing today?

Don't forget your sunblock! Gonna be a great, lovely day.

Again, happy fourth.

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