Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Dementia has struck a family member of mine. I am not sure how rapidly it's becoming, but, it's scary to see how much it can rob of a person....

The other day I asked my baby sister, "HOW do you tell a person that he DID say this and that, only to have him argue with me that he NEVER said that, and not to make it sound like I'm calling him a liar?!"  and "HOW do you tell him, 'No thanks, I got it' without getting him all upset?"  and end up having to deal with his anger?

My sisters and I are dealing with a loved one who as of last year announced he has the beginnings of dementia, alongside with his Parkinson's. While I don't believe he has Parkinson's, I do believe he does have dementia.

Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases. It affects memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior. 

Well, he has the symptoms and it's really scary. 

And very sad. 

So I do pray for him daily. I do hate the fact that it affects other people.  The outrageous statements he has made about me was just really a shocker, BUT, I am very thankful my other family members know it is not true.  All they need to do is ask me about it. And I'm more than happy to set things straight.

I meet with him tomorrow evening. I know he has completely forgotten my birthday that was yesterday. But, that's okay. I had a good birthday anyway, and we went out tonight to celebrate.  Tomorrow my husband and I are meeting this loved one for dinner and discuss something he offered to pay for, (when I insisted he should not, and won't listen to me) and will expect me to pay him back in payments.


Again, I do I tell him, thanks, but no thanks, and if you offered, why are you expecting us to pay back? I have told him repeatedly that I will take care of it after the holidays. Just not right now.  Can't argue with someone like that w/o making him think we're calling him a liar.

Lord, help us.

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