Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I don't know if I'm...you know....just tired or I'm really tired.  Seems my feet are dragging these days.

My sister wrote me yesterday to remind me my son's restriction from her pool ends this Saturday. I acknowledged that, and told her that. (Why was son restricted? He used the pool w/o her permission, and wasn't being honest with me about it.)

"You know I didn't restrict you from our pool..."

I had to laugh.  Oh yes. A couple weeks ago, I came home half-drowned from the water park at Cedar Point in Ohio.  I sat in shades as much as possible, and I tried to dry out as much as possible.

So I wrote her back, that I didn't feel like being in any more pools or anything chlorinated. I was still "full" from Cedar Point. 

Oh, it's part of aging. We've gotten little too old to enjoy things like this. Aw man! *shucks* But, I will enjoy a leisurely boat ride, or if you give me a water jetski, that would be no problem.  Or, if I can get a very nice, comfortable raft to float on the water....be it pool or lake....then I'm fine.

Guess I just need to pace myself a bit these days.

Or, I blame my tiredness to the full moon.  It's been quite a weekend. Or...I'm just not feeling good....the weather's been whacky.


I do try to keep up but sometimes some days I just need to slow down.

It's only the end of July....I think my kids are ready for school, for a set routine.  Yeah.

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